Prospects and trends of intelligent manufacturing equipment

What does the prospect and trend of intelligent manufacturing equipment mean? Manufacturing is the main body of the national economy and an important battlefield for my country to achieve a strong manufacturing country. Scientific and technological innovation is also the most widely used in manufacturing. Since the implementation of the "Made in China 2025" strategy, all parts of the country have actively promoted the application of new technologies and new models of intelligent manufacturing, and developed a number of distinctive intelligent manufacturing equipment industries. It can be expected that in the future, intelligent manufacturing equipment will definitely play an important role in promoting the adjustment and upgrading of the manufacturing industry structure.

The general trend of the development of intelligent manufacturing equipment

First, after years of development and accumulation, my country has formed a complete industrial system, and the output level of major traditional industrial production departments ranks among the top in the world, providing a strong industrial material foundation for the development of the intelligent manufacturing equipment industry. In 2016, the total industrial added value was 24786 billion yuan, an increase of 6.0% over the previous year.

Secondly, the Chinese government has fully realized the importance and urgency of the development of the intelligent manufacturing equipment industry, and has successively issued a series of encouraging and supporting policies to continuously increase support for the intelligent manufacturing equipment industry. For example, in 2010, the State Council issued the "Decision on Accelerating the Cultivation and Development of Strategic Emerging Industries", which included the high-end equipment manufacturing industry; in 2011, the three ministries and commissions issued the "Notice on Organizing and Implementing the Special Project for the Development of Intelligent Manufacturing Equipment", which clearly accelerated the innovation, development and industrialization of intelligent manufacturing equipment.

Market demand and competitive environment are changing rapidly, which puts forward more flexible, agile and intelligent requirements for manufacturing systems. Therefore, intelligent manufacturing is increasingly valued.

Intelligent manufacturing equipment has broad development prospects

At present, my country attaches great importance to the development plan of intelligent manufacturing equipment. During the 13th Five-Year Plan period, the marketing revenue of the intelligent manufacturing equipment industry increased by more than 30%. It is estimated that by 2022, the sales revenue of the intelligent manufacturing equipment industry will exceed 3.8 trillion yuan. In addition, my country's intelligent manufacturing equipment industry will also show a development trend of automation, integration, informatization and greening.

Development trend of intelligent manufacturing equipment industry

Automation: As an inevitable trend in the development of intelligent manufacturing equipment, automation is mainly manifested in the ability to complete the manufacturing process according to user requirements, and has a high degree of adaptability to the manufacturing environment to achieve manufacturing process optimization.

Integration: mainly reflected in the integration of production process technology, hardware, software, and application technology, as well as the integration of interdisciplinary high technologies such as biology, nanotechnology, and new energy.

Informatization: Sensor technology, computer technology, and software technology are integrated into equipment to achieve performance improvement and intelligence.

Greening: The pressure of resources and energy requires that the design and manufacturing processes of equipment must have minimal negative impact on the environment and high resource utilization. Green manufacturing is a key way to improve the recycling of resources in intelligent manufacturing equipment.
